Jan Garde has 15 years’ experience working in the fields of advertising, branding, design and hospitality.

The past five years, he headed the Design Network team at Deutsche Telekom, leading an interdisciplinary team at the organization’s headquarters in Germany.  At Telekom, his core function centered on the deviation of brand values into user-friendly services and experiences, both physical and digital. Prior to joining Telekom, he worked for agencies including Jung von Matt and BBDO. His client list has included BMW, Mercedes Benz, DFB, MTV, Quiksilver, RedBull, Twothirds, Allianz and Unicredit.

He speaks five languages – German, English, Dutch, French, Spanish – and has experience working around the world, affording him an extensive network in the fields of design, photography, music and film. Garde has a strong background in the premium segment, and holds a strong passion for the hospitality sector.

His work has received numerous international awards, including the ADC Awards, Cannes, Clio, DDC, DMI Awards, German Brand Awards, German Innovation Awards, Good Design Award, GQ, IF and Red Dot Awards. 

He studied International Business at Maastricht University, as well as Communication, Media & Arts at University Inholland. Recently he studied People, Culture & Performance at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Jan Garde works as brand & design consultant. He is a dynamic speaker and is available for keynotes, panels and talks. 

For bookings or inquiries, please be in touch.

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Jan Garde
Ottostrasse 12
50823 Köln